Recipe: Tasty Choco-focaccia

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Choco-focaccia. This focaccia recipe is as fuss-free as bread recipes go. The dough comes together quickly in the This recipe leaves so much room for experimentation, too. I've been making so much focaccia at.

Choco-focaccia Focaccia is a flat oven-baked Italian bread product similar in style and texture to pizza dough. Focaccia can be used as a side to many meals or as sandwich bread. FOCACCIA SOFFICISSIMA PROSCIUTTO E FORMAGGIO - Soft focaccia Cooked ham and cheese. You can have Choco-focaccia using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Choco-focaccia

  1. It's 20 cl of lait.
  2. Prepare 50 gr of beurre.
  3. It's 350 gr of farine.
  4. Prepare 1 of sachet de sucre vanillé.
  5. You need 40 gr of sucre roux.
  6. It's 1/2 of cube de levure fraîche.
  7. Prepare 1 of pincée de sel.
  8. It's 100 gr of pépites choco.
  9. Prepare 1 of oeuf pour badigeonner.

Questa di oggi è una Brioche Focaccia sofficissima e potete vederlo dal video, lo è. This focaccia recipe is easy to make and easy to adapt with whatever herbs you have in the house. Easy homemade focaccia recipe that's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and super addictive. Come cuocere la focaccia alle cipolle.

Choco-focaccia step by step

  1. Coupez le beurre dans un saladier, ajoutez le lait et faites tiédir. - Mélangez la farine aux sucres et au sel. Emiettez la levure. Mélangez. Versez le lait + beurre et à l'aide du robot faites une boule de pâte. Ajoutez les pépites. Formez une boule et laissez reposer couvert d'un torchon propre dans un endroit tiède pendant 40mn.
  2. Posez un papier cuisson sur la table, sortez la boule de pâte du bol et étalez-la sur 3cm de hauteur; Posez le papier cuisson avec la pâte dans un moule rectangulaire type plaque de four mais plus petit; Formez des rectangles avec la pointe d'un couteau sans appuyer trop fort. Laissez poser 20mn;.
  3. Préchauffez le four à 200° chaleur normale ou 180° chaleur tournante. Badigeonnez d'oeuf battu et enfournez 15mn environ. Sortez le plat, démoulez, mangez tiède ou froid..

Riprendi la pasta della focaccia, lavorala ancora sulla spianatoia per qualche minuto per sgonfiarla, appiattiscila leggermente, trasferiscila in una teglia a. La focaccia Locatelli è una focaccia veloce da fare e che non ha bisogno di essere impastata. Questa focaccia sofficissima l'ho adocchiata qualche tempo fa sul profilo. This panini is perfect for when you want maximum results with the least amount of effort. All you need to do: Grab some leftovers, top with creamy cheese, and sandwich between focaccia!.